Friday, August 26, 2011

Even Later August Yard Birds

I spent another couple of hours in the yard this afternoon photographing birds.   It was a good day... in addition to the normal cast of characters I finally managed to get a photograph of the parakeet that's been hanging around the yard for the past couple of weeks and... I think I photographed a vireo, the first I've ever seen in our yard.

Here's a Black-capped chickadee...

This woodpecker was one of what I was after... a female Hairy woodpecker.  We've had both Downys and Hairys hanging around the suet feeder for the past couple of months.  At one point this afternoon we had two Downys and a Hairy playing "merry-go-round" on the tree at the same time!  

I was excited about the opportunity to photograph this male House finch against a colorful flower background, but in checking my focus I realized that he had the disease that causes tumors on the head.  Eventually they will result in his death, either by blinding him so he can't find food or by disabling his beak so that he can't eat.  Either way it will be a sad ending. 

And the star of the show, what I believe to be a vireo... the first I've ever seen in the yard.  I was lucky to see it with all the sparrow traffic.  Please contact me if you have an educated opinion as to the species!   I have other photos but none that show the beak as well.  

I've about decided, after checking additional references, that this must be a Red-eyed vireo. 


  1. Thanks for the backyard tour, Joe. Great photos once again. One day you're going to have a national reputation for this.

  2. Hi - it's Christie from the Wild Birds Unlimited - can you see the red eye in any of the other shots? This may be a Warbling Vireo or a juvenile red eye. Thanks for giving us the info on your blog. Hope to stay connected!

  3. As I indicated, I'm somewhat uncertain with regard to the identification. I tried to coax some of my more experienced birding friends into rendering an opinion but never heard from them.
