Monday, July 30, 2012

Summer Yard Birds

We had better weather on Saturday than given to expect with regard to the forecast and I spent a significant amount of time in the yard photographing birds.  My primary purpose was to photograph the House wrens nesting in a bird house over the patio on the south side of our house.  I hadn't evaluated the light in the early morning and it seemed good, so I positioned myself to where I could photograph the wrens on one of the staging limbs I located about 40-50 feet from their house.  

The adult birds would spend significant time on the perch, preening, singing and posing with insects they had obtained.  Some of the time on the perch was spent singing with an insect in their mouths!  (Try that at the dinner table with your mouth full!)  

 We've got more than our share of young Spotted towhees in the yard, some of which are barely recognizable and which seem to have no contact with parents.  This is one example... 


And finally, we still seem to have a pair of Anna's hummingbirds in the yard and several adult female Rufous hummingbirds.  We've also got what I assume are juvenile male Rufous hummingbirds, one of which I think is pictured below.  In prior years the hummingbirds seemed to enjoy taking a bath in the watercourse, but this year it seems like an attraction but I have yet to see one actually land in the water or bathe!  

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