Thursday, March 24, 2011

Red-Breasted Merganser... I Hope!

One more local shot before I get back to my New Mexico photos.  I found this Red-breasted (I hope) merganser swimming just off of March Point last week.  It appears to be in transitional plumage between winter and breeding. 

Several years ago I photographed a merganser in the Cap Sante Marina and obtained a really good photo, although with a camera that didn't have nearly the resolution of my current camera.  I wasn't sure of the identification of the bird and asked various birding friends to help me identify the bird.  Out of eight friends it came down to four and four... half for the Red-breasted merganser and half for the Common merganser.  The definitive identification was finally made by BK and all the other parties involved accepted his identification and reasons for that identification. 

Since the weather is closing in and spring migration seems to be off to a slow start, I'll resume my New Mexico photos followed by photos from my February trip to Texas.  

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