Tuesday, June 28, 2011

More Birds from the Malheur NWR

One of the mornings I was at the Malheur NWR I was slowly patrolling the road near the 'hotel' where I stayed and I came upon this Wilson's snipe sitting on the top of a fencepost... one of the last places I would have expected to encounter one.  I took quite a few photos from my car and after a while it began vocalizing.  I took even more photos.  (This was like shooting the proverbial fish in a barrel!) 

I finally decided that any additional photos would be simply duplicates so I slowly eased down the road.  I had gone a couple of hundred yards when I thought better of it, reasoning how often do you find a Wilson's snipe sitting on a fence post in almost perfect light?  So I turned around and went back, this time moving even closer to the bird.  I took another set of photos much like the first, only larger in the viewfinder!  I finally moved on a second time, leaving the bird perched where I found it. 

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