Saturday, June 25, 2011


Here's one of my favorite bird identification stories...

Several years ago, at one of the local marinas, I photographed a female merganser.   I wasn't sure whether the bird was a Red-breasted merganser or a Common merganser so I asked the help of friends, all of whom were much better birders than I.  By the end of the fray I had four on one side and four on the other, but obtained a definitive identification from a friend who is a (somewhat) local wildlife biologist.  I don't even remember the outcome at this point, but it's made me shy of identifying mergansers ever since!

Without further tales, I give you what I hope are photos of Hooded mergansers I took at the same marina back in April of this year.  (If anyone begs to differ please let me know!)

This is a male who is not quite into breeding plumage...

Here we have, and I'm guessing now, a female Hooded merganser with a first year juvenile...

Finally, we have a first year juvenile... 

 If you want more detail I believe that you can click on the photos to enlarge them.  Let's hear it for BLOGSPOT which furnishes this site at no cost to me and with no offensive advertising!  I've got about two years worth of posts online if you care to meander back that far!   I keep thinking that at some point I will exceed some sort of capacity limit or their patience but it hasn't happened yet!

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