Sunday, January 10, 2010

Harbinger of Spring

On Sunday, Jan 10 I walked outside to retrieve the morning's newspapers at just before 8am.  It was just barely good light but I could see some motion around our water feature.  As I concentrated my gaze I realized that one of our Anna's hummingbirds was landing in the watercourse to drink and/or bathe.  This is a fairly common occurrence with our Rufous hummingbirds that are here during the spring/summer, but this is the first time I've seen one of our winter Anna's hummingbirds accessing the water feature. 

This reminds me of the coming spring and all the birds in our yard that I hope to be photographing. 


  1. good luck, I'll be waiting to see some of the pics

  2. Hi Joe. Are you now going to put out a hummingbird feeder? I usually wait until I see the tiny bird sitting on the lamb-hook, looking directly at me through the kitchen window. Take care. Rich

  3. The PBS/KCTS "Nature" program on humming birds on January 10 was excellent. The first time I heard the male Anna's make its screetching noise in the course of its mating display dive, I couldn't believe that a humming bird could make a noise that loud. I was very close and it was deafening. On later occasions, hearing the noise while witnessing the display I became convinced it WAS the bird making the noise. Now the TV program showed convincing proof that the noise comes not from the bird's voice, but from vibrations of the tail feathers - Amazing!
